Content is King: How to create 14 Kings from One


You have done it! You have created your amazing piece of content!

It’s taken time, it’s taken blood, sweat and tears but it’s there, it’s done.

It’s all the things it needs to be, it’s valuable as it solves a huge problem for your ideal customer

It's fun, it’s educational

and it’s all yours!

But it’s only one piece of content. Now what?

If you would rather listen than read then push play below to hear about Content is King: How to create 14 Kings from ONE

Do I have to do the whole process over again?

The answer to this is, of course, Yes, yes you do!

Content is King and you do need to create content. Your own content that speaks to your audience with your own voice

BUT here’s the good thing coming your way

Once you have created a piece of content you don’t only get to use it once!

You can repurpose it!

Repurpose your content? What does that even mean?

Everyone has different definitions, here's mine, I think it's simple:

Repurposing is taking that one piece of incredible content and using it over and over and over again in different ways or formats

Next question: How do you do that?

Answer: It can be quite straightforward.

First I want you to think of all the ways you consume content.

You may listen to podcasts, watch videos or read blogs

These are all ways that you can take your piece of content and repurpose it to be used again and again to reach more people in more places.

Next, think of a problem you have solved for your ideal client.

Let’s say you created a quick Checklist that solved a problem for this particular client. It worked really well for them and they were very happy with their results.

Next, you saw a client with a similar problem, so you gave them the Checklist.

They were also very happy, as it solved their problem too.

You soon realise that this Checklist could benefit even more people.

People who may be in your audience but not yet your clients.

Now let’s take that Checklist and see how you can repurpose it and reach a whole new audience in different places

Repurposing 101

Step 1: Start with your Original Checklist

It may be in a PDF format to easily share with clients. This is your original piece of content to work from.

Step 2: Consider Writing Options

#A Blog Post.

If you have your own website you can expand on the ideas in your Checklist in your blog post and put it on your site

It doesn’t even have to stay only on your website. You can make some minor adjustments and publish it on sites such as Medium or Quora or publish it as a LinkedIn article.

You can use the above options even if you don’t have a website.

#B Social Media posts.

From your Checklist, you can take snippets of information and create posts for all of your different social media accounts. Change them up slightly to match the needs of each platform if you want. The same information is delivered to different audiences.

#C Email.

If you have an Email list you can send them an email telling them all about your Checklist and how it could help them. Send them a link to download it. This is an incredible way to nurture the people who have signed up for your list. Don’t forget to ask them to share it!

#D Create an E-book.

You don’t even have to do this yourself. You can outsource this to someone on Upwork for example. A fellow colleague of mine did this recently and turned it into a lead magnet for her business.

#E Create an Infographic.

While not strictly writing, as it involves pictures or diagrams, your Checklist may lend itself to becoming an infographic. Many people love pictures and this may be the ideal way for someone to really “get “ what you are saying

If you don’t like writing then definitely consider the next option of video.

Step 3 Consider Video Options

#F Facebook Live video

(or if you are a bit nervous about going Live, then you can pre-record it)

Video is one of the best ways to reach people online and its presence is growing all the time. Video is a great way to get your message out to people who don’t like to read!

#G LinkedIn Live Video.

You can even use the same video you used for your Facebook Live. Or you can change it up to suit your LinkedIn audience.

#H IGTV share on Instagram.

Here your videos need to be a minimum of one minute long, and a maximum of 15 minutes to upload from a mobile device or 60 minutes maximum to upload from the web.

#I Upload your video to Youtube.

You can easily create a Youtube channel. Upload your Youtube video, from there you can complete the circle and embed it onto your blog post.

#J Create a story on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.

If you really dislike doing videos, stories are great places to practice getting comfortable as they conveniently disappear after 24 hours!

Reels are now a very popular way to create video content on Instagram and Facebook. Tik Tok is where it started so there’s another place foryou to consider

#K Create a webinar about your Checklist.

Now we are getting into the superpower of video. But imagine creating an Evergreen webinar about your Checklist that kept on keeping on. How many people you could help with this repurposing option?.

Step 4 Consider Audio Options

#L Audio recording on your phone or computer.

Think video without pictures. Especially if you are not keen on showing your face. You may have a “made for radio” voice, so read out your blog post or the points on your Checklist. Embed the audio recording onto your blog post.

#M Podcast interview.

Get invited on to someone’s podcast to share your insights about your Checklist.

#N Podcasts.

You could even create your own podcast and talk about your Checklist

There you have it, 4 steps and 14 ways to repurpose your Checklist.

Repurpose with Confidence

Now I understand that all of these options may feel overwhelming right now.

That is not my intention at all.

I simply wanted to show you how that ONE beautiful piece of content you created, can be so versatile!

When I first started creating my own content, looking at a list like this DID make me want to curl into a little ball and simply ignore it all!

The feeling of not knowing where to start with it all was very real!

You do need to begin somewhere.

The best way to start is by choosing the ways that resonate best with you and your business. You know if you prefer to write, or speak or be seen on video.

What I would encourage you, even challenge you to do is this:

1/ Choose 3 ways to repurpose from the list above, that you feel comfortable with.

2/ Do this for each piece of content you create until it feels easy.

3/ Choose 3 different ways

4/ Repeat

Your ONE piece of content can quickly become two to five or more pieces. Taking your message out to a larger audience. Meaning more of your ideal clients will see your content and how you can help them.

You will soon be repurposing with confidence.

If repurposing your content is something you would like to know more about or you would like some help starting to repurpose your content, then I would love to chat.

Jump on a call with me today. Here’s the link.

Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash


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